As announced, I'll be launching two newsletters this Friday, Daily Miracles and Daily Bible Chapter.
Here is the second sneak peek for the Daily Bible Chapter. These are brief excerpts of my commentaries.
Genesis 4
It's possible… that Cain represents the view that life (and wealth) comes from the earth and is returned to the earth, and Abel represents the view that life (and wealth) comes from spirit and is returned to spirit.
If taken allegorically, Cain and Abel represent our material side and the spiritual side, and the material side resents and feels threatened by the spirit and murders it.
Genesis 6
Noah seemed to turn away from the "wisdom of the world." He didn't eat from the "knowledge of good and evil" or take matters into his own hands to stamp out evil He didn't stay in survival mode. He followed the inner voice (intuition, Jehovah) and, probably from the perspective of neighbors, "did his own thing."
It wasn't Noah's job to punish the world. Or to save it either.
Genesis 7
There might be a time in one's life where things just aren't working out, perhaps due to the corruption and schemes of other people. To engage with them any longer is to be corrupted by them. The transition to a new environment, however, may be stormy, and one must "close off" the outside world and stay in one's personal "ark" until the storms subside, the old is washed away, and a new beginning is prepared.
If you'd like full access but would prefer to pay a lesser amount, you may do so via Paypal and I'll get you subscribed. Or, send me an email if you want free access.
I hope you join us!
James Leroy Wilson writes from Nebraska. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter. If you enjoy his articles, subscribe and support. You may contact James for your writing, editing, and research needs: Permission to reprint is granted with attribution.
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