James Leroy Wilson's one-man magazine.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Fear or Faith

 Welcome to the Daily Bible Chapter. My name is James Leroy Wilson and I invite you to join me as I attempt to read the Bible with fresh eyes, as if I don't know anything about it, and without consulting experts on what it "really" means.. Let's see where this takes us! 

I'm reading Young's Literal Translation (YLT) and the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).

Deuteronomy 1

Moses is reviewing events that delayed Israel from entering the Promised Land. After they had been organized with judges and commanders, they were ready to invade Canaan. Except that most of their advance scouts came back with discouraging reports. The natives are tall, their cities are too well-fortified.

The scouting report persuaded the Israelites to ignore the LORD's command to invade. The LORD that had miraculously brought them out of Egypt, led them by the pillar of cloud/fire (aircraft?) could no longer be trusted.

The generation that chickened out would be condemned to die in the wilderness, to be replaced by a new generation who remembered little if anything from Egypt and mainly knew just the wilderness.

The "sin," or mistake of the older generation was fear, which happens when one judges by appearances. They believed the task ahead was insurmountable (although Joshua and Caleb, who were on the scout team, disagreed). Because they did not believe, they did not receive.

Then, when they realized their mistake, they tried to "fix" it even when the LORD warned them not to. They ignored the LORD, relied on their own efforts, and were defeated.

I wrote in my commentary on Numbers 13, "Their exaggeration of the enemy was really a lack of confidence in themselves." I'd amend that to say they lacked confidence that their desire could be manifested. They lacked faith in God (Spirit/Source/Lord) that dwells within them. Fear kept them out of the Promised Land. 

The fear-based generation in Israel had to die off and be reborn as a nation of faith to receive what God has promised.

Likewise, the fearful person within you has to "die" and be reborn as a person of faith for you to receive your highest good.

James Leroy Wilson writes Daily MiraclesThe Daily Bible ChapterJL Cells, and The MVP Chase. Thanks for your subscriptions and support!

(Photo credit: TyshkunVictor)

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