James Leroy Wilson's one-man magazine.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Two Years Later: The Georgia Guidestones Bombing Was an Inside Job


Georgia Guidestones in 2020. Photo by Judson McCraine.

WARNING: The following is based on evidence-free speculation and over-generalization. My opinions are based on my "sense" of the issue.

Two years ago today, the Georgia Guidestones were bombed in the wee hours of the morning. As I wrote on the six-month anniversary of the bombing, "Later that day, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation deliberately destroyed what was left standing for 'safety reasons.'"

There is still no suspect

In my first essay on the subject, I operated under the assumption that some nutjob, or a group of nutjobs, were responsible and the government let them get away with it. 

Today, I will be more blunt. I believe government agents were themselves behind the bombing. Perhaps orders were secretly given from the governor's mansion, or the bombing may have been a rogue operation. But if it was a rogue operation, the person in charge was in a position of power to assure the bomber(s), with 100% certainty, that they would get away with it. The Georgia Guidestones Bombing was an inside job.

Why was it done? I have more background in the previous piece, but essentially it was because a large portion of the population was offended by its message:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

Unite humanity with a living new language.

Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

Balance personal rights with social duties.

Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

The author's name was kept secret for decades. In 2015, the documentary Dark Clouds Over Elberton convincingly revealed him as the late Herbert H. Karsten, a eugenics advocate and David Duke supporter. That film did not get any traction so to almost everyone his identity had remained a mystery for years.

The Guidestones message is a fascist plan for fascist nations, written by one who described himself as a World War II vet and "a patriotic American in every sense of the word."  

Karsten probably didn't think of himself as a fascist, and fascists don't view themselves as having bad intentions. Fascists aren't inherently against sustainability and peace. In an elaboration by the author, the intention behind the message is that each nation decides on its own to adopt a one-child policy so that the population shrinks to sustainable levels over time. A world language should be developed for better understanding, not to replace native languages.  

Countries are to be peaceful, prosperous, harmonious, and separate. Nationalities are to remain separate. That is the fascist dream, and why the Far Right in each country cheers the Far Right in other countries.

Because the author had been intentionally anonymous, the meaning of the Guidestones was misunderstood. Parts of the message seem to suggest a one-world totalitarian State, aka "New World Order" while other parts are common-sense and banal.

Christian Nationalists are in the halls of power in many states. I surmise that the bombers are Christian Nationalists whose enemy is this New World Order, which is a catch-all term for everything Chrisitan Nationalists don't like. Today's version of Christian Nationalism is similar, perhaps identical, to a version that went under a different name 100 years ago:

a) “I believe in God and in the tenets of Christian religion and that a Godless nation cannot long prosper”, b) “I believe in the eternal separation of Church and State”[in the sense that Baptists, for example, won't be favored over Presbyterians], c) “I hold my allegiance to the Stars and Stripes next to my allegiance of God alone", d) “I believe in the protection of pure womanhood”, e) “I believe in the limitation of foreign immigration”, and f) “I am a native born American citizen and I believe my rights in this country are superior to those of foreigners”.

These are the tenets of the Ku Klux Klan from 100 years ago. At that time, the Klan was no longer re-fighting the Civil War but had become a nationwide movement standing for, well, Christian nationalism. Most, perhaps all of these tenets, have been repeated through the decades by politicians, and more loudly in the past decade. You could call rank-and-file Christian Nationalists Klan sympathizers even if they don't realize it. ("What? I don't hate black people!")

Herbert Karsten was also a Klan sympathizer. He also thought of himself as a Christian. But Christian Nationalists who think the Bible requires them to have lots of children wouldn't agree. Moreover, there is evidence that Karsten had associations with the occult Rosicrucian Order. And the Guidestones are constructed in a manner like Stonehenge to align with some astronomical phenomenon. This smacks of astrology, which is occult.

And the occult is Satanic. 

In my experience reading people on the Right these days, anything that is not explicitly Christian is Satanic and on "The Left." Anything on "the Left" is Marxist, and the New World Order is Marxist. These words all mean the same thing to the Christian Nationalists. 

That's why the Christian Nationalist criminals working for the Georgia government blew up the Georgia Guidestones. They thought they'd stick it to the Left. They thought they'd stick it to the New World Order. They knew that their destruction would bring cheers. They took action to rid themselves of a political issue.

It's just ironic that the man who created the Guidestones turned out to be on the Far Right as well.

I never agreed with the Georgia Guidestones because I don't believe in central planning; I don't believe societies or nations own their people. And, I'm skeptical about the notions of scarcity of the Earth's resources that Karsten seemed to hold. But the Guidestones had a right to exist where they stood, meaning they had the right to be left alone. Proper channels were followed in purchasing the land and building the structure. 

If statues of Hitler and Mussolini had been built on that land instead, if statues of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro had been built there, they would have had a right to exist as well. No one had the right to destroy the Georgia Guidestones any more than they would have the right to blow up your house.

Who knows what laws these Klan-sympathizing criminals in the Georgia government will break next? 

You may republish with attribution and a link to this original.

James Leroy Wilson writes The MVP Chase (subscribe) and JL Cells (subscribe) and is a monthly columnist at Meer. Thank you for your subscriptions and support! You may contact James for writing, editing, research, and other work: jamesleroywilson-at-gmail.com.

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