James Leroy Wilson's one-man magazine.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Biden deserves RFK

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Photo: Democratizemedia)

It's been an eventful three weeks in Presidential politics. Joe Biden had a disastrous performance on his June 27 TV special with Donald Trump, followed by calls for him to step down as the Democratic nominee. If this made people look again at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK), on July 2 Vanity Fair published a piece by Joe Hagan that can be summarized as NOOOOOO!!!!! DON'T!!!!!

On July 11, Biden called the President of Ukraine "President Putin" and his Vice President "Trump."

And then there was the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump. History tells us we'll never get to the bottom of it, but the sympathy it generated for Trump created a positive buzz for the Republican National Convention. I didn't watch but Trump supporters seemed happy with it. That positive energy seems to have added to the pressure on Biden to leave the race.

Meanwhile, RFK is still polling around 9% nationally. Assuming he remains in the race until Election Day, I'm guessing he'll come under that in the final results, but could still swing states for Trump.

Here's why.

A sizable percentage of the electorate wants Trump to return to the White House and RFK won't "steal" any votes from him. But there's a large number that opposes Trump and would vote for Biden if they thought he was mentally competent, but believe that Biden, in his own way, is as unfit for the Presidency as Trump.

Some of those votes will fall to RFK. With almost anyone else at the top of the Democratic ticket, fewer votes will go to RFK and the Democrats have a much better chance of winning.  RFK's presence has forced the issue of Biden's fitness onto the Democrats; without him in the race, they would feel less urgency.

Most Democrats will still vote for Biden if he's the nominee, even if the 25th Amendment has to be invoked sometime during his second term. To them, anyone and any future is better than a second Trump Administration, even Biden with his diminishing mental capacity.

That explains Joe Hagan's Vanity Fair article slamming RFK. Vote Democrat! NO RFK! NO! While Hagan does a reasonably good job attacking RFK's character backed by evidence (although disqualifying someone who had a heroin addiction 40 years ago is a stretch), Hagan also unwittingly explains how Biden deserves to be done in by RFK.

Here's the key point:

When Meta shut down his Instagram account after Kennedy disseminated misinformation on vaccines at the height of the COVID pandemic, Kennedy was enraged and sued the Biden administration, which he accused of pressuring Meta, turning the First Amendment into a pillar of his broader crusade and eventual campaign for president. . . Last summer during an interview with Vanity Fair. Kennedy told me the Biden administration “lost me 800,000 followers.” (The suit is still pending.)

I believe RFK. I believe Biden censored him, directly or indirectly. I believe nearly all censorship on social media related to public policy is the result of federal coercion achieved through threats against, or secret deals with, social media companies.

RFK doesn't believe he spread misinformation, and no government is fit to judge what is and isn't misinformation. I agree with Tom Stoppard's line: "Junk journalism is the evidence of a society that has got at least one thing right, that there should be nobody with the power to dictate where responsible journalism begins." 

If RFK is correct that Biden censored him on social media, and if RFK's candidacy is nothing more than a personal vendetta against Biden, then Biden had it coming. If it is RFK who costs Biden a second term, Biden deserves that outcome.

As I've written previously, the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for their Biden problem. In turn, Biden has no one to blame but himself for his RFK problem.

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James Leroy Wilson writes The MVP Chase (subscribe) and JL Cells (subscribe) and is a monthly columnist at Meer. Thank you for your subscriptions and support! You may contact James for writing, editing, research, and other work: jamesleroywilson-at-gmail.com.

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