James Leroy Wilson's one-man magazine.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Daily Miracles: Lesson 2

 Welcome to Daily Miracles, a running commentary on the 365 lessons of A Course in Miracles, an influential spiritual text from the 1970s. I am James Leroy Wilson and I invite you to join me as I go through this material for the first time.

I have given everything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] all the meaning that it has for me. (ACIM, W-2)

My perspective, my experiences, and my memory can belong to me and me only. From what other source do I interpret - provide meaning to - the world around me? Or the room I'm in?

Obviously, I don't look at the ceiling fan and think or say the word "whale." Or see the tv set and think, "Pontiac Grand AM." At some point in my past I learned from others what ordinary words mean and the objects associated with them. But even then, I might have forgotten the "correct" words. There's a foot rest in the room where I write this. I don't know if it's typically called a hassock or not. I acquired some kitchen utensils and I don't always know the proper word for them. In some cases I don't even know what purpose their inventor had for them.

Most importantly, if another person is in this room, they won't feel the same level of gratitude I have for certain objects, and might not know why there are other things I want to replace. Each thing means something different to each person.

We are each creators of the thoughts we associate with what we see.

James Leroy Wilson writes Daily MiraclesThe Daily Bible ChapterJL Cells, and The MVP Chase. Thanks for your subscriptions and support!

(Photo credit: Ivoronwik)

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