James Leroy Wilson's one-man magazine.

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

A world in the The Tyson Zone

Bill Simmons is credited for coining The Tyson Zone, after Mike Tyson: "The point at which a celebrity's behavior becomes so insane, that there is literally nothing they could do that would any longer shock or surprise you, or indeed any human being." 

Several years ago, Charlie Sheen had entered it. This year, Antonio Brown certainly has. 

Maybe the phrase was originally intended as mockery, but there's something real about the phenomenon. It is true that there's nothing Brown could do that would shock or surprise me, and one is left hoping that his next thing is funny and harmless.

It's been a slow but steady build-up, but I'm at a stage (or on a stage?) where nothing in this world surprises me. I wouldn't rule out any accusations against the government, other powerful institutions, or wealthy celebrities, no matter how improbable they seem.

That's why it's hard to write about politics anymore. The accusation during the Iraq War is that the Establishment would use gossip about Britney Spears to distract us from the important issues. Now it seems they want to confuse us about the important issues.

The CIA, for instance, seems to have played a role in the 2014 Ukraine coup, and was instrumental in fomenting the rebellion in Syria that created ISIS. Could it have engineered the Hong Kong protests? 

It wouldn't surprise me. 

Are nutritional studies deliberately falsified and made to contradict each other to keep us all stressed and guilt-ridden about what we eat?

It wouldn't surprise me.

Long before I heard of chemtrails, on some clear days but not others there'd be lots of planes in the sky forming seeming grids with their contrails. Were they engaged in weather modification?

It wouldn't surprise me.

Years ago, I was told the "vaccinations cause autism" allegation was a hoax. Then I found out there are now several dozen vaccinations instead of the few that I had growing up, and many politicians want to make them mandatory. Are they trying to re-engineer our very bodies?

It wouldn't surprise me.

Do alien souls inhabit the bodies of the powerful, and do they keep us distracted and confused to keep us docile? Do they treat us like we treat cattle?

It wouldn't surprise me.

Is the fact that they are alien souls the reason "conspiracy theories" are plausible?

It wouldn't surprise me.

Has this been going on through all of history?

It wouldn't surprise me.

On the other hand, it all could be bunk. But even if human government is all just incompetence and bungling by mere mortals, rather than deliberate subjugation by alien races, there's little to be done to overthrow it or even change it.

Perhaps the only effective rebellion is to let go of fear, be skeptical of those who want to frighten us, and love one another.

James Leroy Wilson writes from Nebraska. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter. If you find value in his articles, your support through Paypal helps keep him going. Permission to reprint is granted with attribution.

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