James Leroy Wilson's one-man magazine.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Radio memorial for Harry Browne tonight and tomorrow

[UPDATE: The main page of Downsizedc.org has been temporarily set up as a Harry Browne tribute page.]

From the DownsizeDC blog:
You are all invited to participate in a memorial for Harry Browne that will be held on his radio show tonight, and on the Downsize DC Conference call tomorrow. You can listen on the Internet, call-in to share your memories of Harry, and ask questions of those who knew him best.

Guests on tonight's show will include . . .

* Perry Willis - co-founder of Downsize DC and former Harry Browne campaign manager
* Kristen Overn - producer of Harry's award-winning "Great Libertarian Offer" video and TV commercials
* Ron Paul - Republican Congressman, Texas
* Michael Cloud - founder of the Center for Small Government
* Steve Willis - Traveling Secretary for the 2000 Browne for President campaign
* Steve Dasbach, former National Chair and former Executive Director, Libertarian Party

Guests on the Downsize DC Conference Call tomorrow will include . . .

* Jo Jorgenson – 1996 Vice Presidential nominee, Libertarian Party
* Art Olivier – 2000 Vice Presidential nominee, Libertarian Party
* Bill Winter – former Communications Director, Libertarian Party
* George Getz – former Communications Director, Libertarian Party

Tonight's show can be heard by clicking on the "Listen Live" button at GCNLive.com, and then selecting one of the first two channels. The show can be heard at...

Eastern: 10pm - Midnight
Central: 9pm - 11pm
Mountain: 8pm - 10pm
Pacific: 7pm - 9pm
Alaska: 6pm - 8pm
Hawaii: 5pm - 7pm

Tomorrow's show can be heard by clicking on the "Listen Live" button at GCNLive.com, and then selecting one of the first two channels. The show can be heard at...

Eastern: 5pm - 6pm
Central: 4pm - 5pm
Mountain: 3pm - 4pm
Pacific: 2pm - 3pm
Alaska: 1pm - 2pm
Hawaii: Noon - 1pm

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