James Leroy Wilson's one-man magazine.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Two Worldviews

The Republican Worldview

If a Democrat favors open immigration, he's a multiculturalist hostile to America's institutions. But if a Democrat opposes open immigration, it's because he wants to punish America's small businesses who must rely on immigrants who will do the jobs Americans won't do.

If a Democrat favors intervention to save tyrannized people and overthrow dictators, he's willing to put American troops in harm's way in a cause that has nothing to do with America's security interests. But if he opposes interventions, it's because he's an appeaser who hates the military.

If a Democrat favors free trade, it's because he's a globalist who wants to destroy the United States and usher in a World Government. But if he opposes free trade, it's because he's a protectionist who wrongly thinks American jobs can be saved this way.

If a Democrat favors the War on Drugs, that's because Democrats are maternalistic busy-bodies. But if he opposes the War on Drugs, he wants to destroy the nation's youth and future.

If a Democrat wants national education standards, that just goes to show he thinks Washington should be involved in everything. But if a Democrat opposes national education standards, that shows they're in bed with teacher's unions who don't want to be held accountable.

The Democrat Worldview

If a Republican favors open immigration, he just wants to depress wages and screw the middle class. But if he opposes immigration, he's obviously a racist.

If a Republican favors a war, it's to enrich the Military-Industrial Complex. But if he opposes a war, it's because he's an isolationist who doesn't care about the oppressed people in the world.

If a Republican favors free trade, it's because that favors multi-national corporations. But if he opposes free trade, it's because he favors domestic business interests at the expense of the consumer.

If a Republican favors the War on Drugs, that's because he wants to lock up as many people of color as possible. But if he opposes the War on Drugs, that's because he doesn't care about the devastation drug addiction causes families.

If a Republican favors national education standards, he's neglecting the overall education experience of individual students. But if he opposes national education standards, he's a crazy States Rights advocate who would overturn Brown v. Board of Education.

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